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Best Sexologist In Patna Bihar India For Sexual Dysfunction In Females

Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women

When it comes to orgasms, women are both complicated and straightforward. There are many sexual issues that women face too. It is not a men’s thing.

A very general issue women face is reaching orgasm. You might get aroused or you might be stimulated enough as well.

However, you do not feel those electric sensations all over your body.

This disorder is known as orgasmic dysfunction.

Female orgasmic dysfunction is the name given to this sexual dysfunction in women. Orgasmic dysfunction can also affect men, but it is considerably rarer.

Female sexual dysfunction could make it difficult for a lady to achieve pleasure during intercourse.

It may impair your potential to be passionate or engage sexually painlessly. Physical or psychological factors can contribute.

Note: If you are looking for a trusted and the Best Sexologist In Patna Bihar India then we recommend Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh as he is the highly qualified renowned sex doctor in Patna.

We’ll learn more about orgasmic dysfunction in women and When Do You Need to See the Best Sexologist In Patna.

Let us first start with what it is.

What Is Female Orgasmic Disorder?

During genital stimulus, orgasms are tremendous sensations of liberation.

Strength, time, and recurrence can all differ. Orgasms can happen with very minimal sexual stimulation, but occasionally a lot more is required.

However, after enough sexual stimulation, many ladies have problems hitting climax with a lover.

Orgasmic dysfunction is a clinical concept that indicates the inability to achieve orgasm notwithstanding sexual excitement and stimulation. It is also termed anorgasmia.

According to statistics, orgasmic dysfunction hits 11 to 41% of females. The failure to attain sexual pleasure is the most common sign of this sexual dysfunction in females.

Other signs include disappointing orgasms and a lengthier take to achieve climax than usual.

Let us take a look into its causes now.

Causes Of Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women:

It’s not always easy to figure out what’s causing orgasmic dysfunction.

Biological, mental, or psychiatric issues may make it harder for women to feel pleasure.

Scientists aren’t certain what triggers orgasmic dysfunction, but they believe there are two types of causes: physical and mental.

Physical causes include:

  • Blood flow problems can make it difficult for the circulation to reach sections of the feminine reproduction system.
  • Psychiatric drugs may decrease your sexual appetite or your capacity to orgasm. Chemotherapy and other medical therapies can alter hormone levels, which might lead to complications.
  • Pain while sex can be caused by endometriosis, hormone imbalance, reproductive problems. Sexual activity can be discomforted by vaginismus, a disorder that produces vaginal muscular spasms.
  • Hypertension, arthritis, numerous sclerosis, and cardiovascular problems can all have an impact on your capacity to pleasure sex. Addicted to drugs or alcohol can also make it difficult to have a healthy sexual encounter.

Mental Factors:

  • Depression might make you lose passion in actions you used to like, such as sex. Sexual dysfunction can be exacerbated by low self-esteem and depression.
  • Stress at home or at work or in a relationship might make it difficult to concentrate on sex. Some females may be dissatisfied with their spouse or uninterested during sexual activity. Stress has been shown in several studies to raise cortisol production. Sexual drive may be reduced as a result of this rise.
  • Nervousness and mistrust of touch might result from physical and sexual abuse. These emotions might make having sex uncomfortable.

These are the possible causes of anorgasmia. However, what is the point of knowing all this if there exists no treatment? Do not worry.

There are treatment options available.

Take a look at the anorgasmia treatment available in the next section.

Female Orgasmic Disorder Treatment

Females can establish a sexual dysfunction therapy strategy with the help of their physician provider.

Orgasmic dysfunction is treated differently according to the root issue.

  • Try using sexual strategies to spice up your life. Discuss alternative tactics to increase passion and excitement with your spouse. For a change of pace, consider sexy sex toys and foreplay ideas.
  • The most common treatment for orgasmic dysfunction in women is consulting a sexologist. A Sexologist Doctor will assist you and your companion in resolving any issues or arguments you could be facing. This might help to settle conflicts in the relationship as well as in the night. It may be beneficial to speak with a mental health expert. You can overcome emotional and mental obstacles to have good sex.
  • Hormone treatment may help some women. Especially if it coincides with the onset of menopause. Oestrogen hormone treatment may be used in specific instances. It can aid to boost sexual desire or blood circulation to the sexual organs, resulting in increased hypersensitivity. Also, Oestrogen hormone therapy might take the form of a tablet, a patch, or a cream applied to the sexual organs.

One can also try medication to help climax female available in stores. However, we suggest consulting your doctor first and then consuming it. It can be detrimental.

About Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh – Top Sexologist Doctor In Patna In 2022

Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh, a Top Sexologist In Patna Bihar provides treatment for all sexual disorders (male/female/couples).

As the Best Sexologist in Kankarbagh Patna Bihar, he understands the frequency of Orgasmic dysfunction in females and since when have you been suffering from this sexual disorder.

He then provides the best Orgasmic dysfunction treatment in Patna. Through the proper consultation, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh can offer you the most effective treatment for Female Orgasmic dysfunction which will solve this problem once and forever.

Since Dr. Vivek is a leading Neuropsychiatrist too, he understands the emotions of a woman who undergo the problem of anorgasmia as it can disturb her mental peace.

The Sexologist Doctors In Patna engage in a friendly conversation by understanding both mental and physical factors of his patients.

Many patients have consulted him for sexual problems, and he has solved them all, no matter how complicated the condition was. This makes him the Best Sexologist Doctor In Patna Bihar.

In Conclusion

For several ladies, sexual dysfunction is a stressful and difficult situation.

It’s hardly anything to be guilty or humiliated about, though.

Communicating clearly and freely with your companion and Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh Best Sexologist In Patna can assist you to get to the bottom of the issue.

Sexual dysfunction in some females may resolve by itself. Others may require continuing treatment for sexual dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction frequently necessitates the support of a variety of treatment providers, such as physical therapists and counsellors.

Simply stick to your treatment plan and you will see positive improvements in no time.

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